LovelightTM 是澳大利亚一家家族所有并经营的公司,为全国的住宅和商业空间提供量身定制的窗户装潢设计与制作服务。
LovelightTM 是澳大利亚一家家族所有并经营的公司,为全国的住宅和商业空间提供量身定制的窗户装潢设计与制作服务。 我们以无可比拟的产品品质与服务水平,为客户带来装饰精美、令人喜爱的空间。 我们的团队利用丰富的行业经验,实现全新的卓越标准——从在世界各地采购和选择最优质的材料,一直到产品创新和提供客户服务,均一丝不苟,精益求精。 在每个阶段,我们都会倾听客户的需求,并根据客户的独特要求来定制我们的服务。 |
Metricon 认为 Lovelight 是我们业务上真正一体化的重要供应合作伙伴。我们大力推荐 Lovelight 作为业务零售合作伙伴,并期待我们的伙伴关系继续深入发展。

With a wealth of knowledge in both commercial and residential applications, we work hand in hand with our clients to provide a stylish and practical décor solution. Offering specialist window furnishings, our range includes vertical blinds, roman blinds, window blinds, plantation shutters and more, all in the latest styles and fabrics.
Delivering warmth, style and modernity, not just in product, but also in service, our team of experienced professionals throughout Australia & New Zealand will cater to your needs. Whether you’re based in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Auckland or outside of the bigger cities, we pride ourselves on being able to provide a premium, professional service nationwide.
Ultimately, we believe it's thanks to our innovation and commitment to using only the highest quality materials that we're leading the way in awnings, shutters, curtains and window blinds through Australia & New Zealand. Enquire today and let us contribute to your project with our stylish, easy-to-install range.